
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Of Cubbies and Thrifting Co-ops

We are beginning to wonder if spring will ever come this year…tonight will be at least –10 yet again!  Yikes!

To distract myself, I’ve been busy-ing myself with stuff around the house, though I don’t have much to show you here. 

I did get the back of the cubby painted in the bedroom!  See?


Baby steps!  Here is the color, Mysterious by Benjamin Moore (our local hardware store was clearing out the sample pots and they were on sale for 75 cents a piece…woot!!  I grabbed three but only used 2 so I have one more for something else). 


It is looking more finished already than this messy maroon two-tone look it started out as:


I decided to paint over the cable hookup so there is less to distract.  One outlet is easier to hide than two!  We don’t have cable and don’t plan to have a TV in here anyway (and the hookup is still fully functioning, just more hidden). 

I had all the shelves cut today and I have a plan (a cheap plan!) for the shelf holders (or whatever you call the things the shelf sits on!) and the molding that goes on the front.  Hopefully it will all work out the way I plan.  You know how these things can go!

I am super excited about some stuff I found out thrifting this week!  It has got me all excited about this bedroom project again…I was feeling a little meh about the headboard plan and this really has me all rarin’ to go.  I hope it turns out!  (I’ll show you as soon as I have it done!)


I think we need to band together and start thrifting cooperatives.  For example, yesterday out thrifting I saw this hutch:


It is a nice hutch…I really like how simple it is…and with a little love it could look a lot like the one in my kitchen:


(This was at the old house but it is alive and well in our dining area here!)

One of my friends had emailed me a while back saying that she was going to look for a hutch like the one I had and when I saw it in the thrift store I had to email her the picture.  I don’t know if it is right for her or if she will get it, but I got to thinking…wouldn’t it be cool if we all had little wish lists we could share with other “thrifters” and then when they saw something on our list they would let us know where and when they saw it so we could go check it out?  Of course it would probably only work for locals, but still…I think it would be fun!  I know I come across so many things while I am garage saling, etc. that I think…wow, that is nice and it is a good deal…but I don’t need it or have space in my house for it so I don’t get it.  But if I knew someone else was looking for that particular item, I’d snap a picture and tell them where to find it and maybe a thrifty match would be made! 

Just an idea I had percolating in my brain.  : )

How is it possible it is almost March??? 

Have a great Friday!


  1. I love the dark paint color! And that's a neat idea about the thrifting coop- esp. since it's hard sometimes to get out thrifting on a regular basis. :)

    1. Oh yes, I hear you on the not getting out thrifting...I go in spurts and it is definitely very dependent on the kids’ health and moods. It is way easier in the summer too! Though sometimes in the winter I go out to the thrift store just to get out of the house. : ) We live within 10 mins of a Goodwill though so that makes it easier.

  2. Okay...I need a cubby like yours. Maybe Anthony will just take out a few studs on command asap? ;) It's coming along! Excited to read about your cheap shelf plan!
    Oh and my friend and I actually do have a list of what each of us is hoping to find at a thrift store! It's awesome!

    1. We actually have two more cubbies like this in the basement bedrooms...but there I don’t care so much what they look like as we don’t use them as bedrooms (yet).
      Oh how fun that you already have a sort of thrifting partnership going on! That DOES sound awesome!!

  3. How nice of you to email you friend your awesome find! Oh, and I love the dark paint! I'm always so scared to go dark. Maybe trying it out in a small space would work. Beautiful!

    1. Oh yes dark paint is always a little daunting...I love how it looks in photos but I am always too nervous to try it out on a grand scale. Hopefully I’ll be able to work on this cubby a little more this week!

  4. Thanks for commenting on my blog... I'm so glad you did, because I don't think I had come across your beautiful blog before! I love your idea of a thrifting co-op; that hutch is seriously just what I've been dreaming of to fix up and paint for a space in our kitchen... something to use as a tea / coffee station etc. I hope I come across a good one at a good price soon! Your white hutch is gorgeous and I just love that color scheme in the kitchen with turquoise pops of color. :)

    1. Hi Sarah!
      I hope you can find a similar hutch soon! I found ours on Craigslist so you may want to check there too if you aren’t already. I tried your Earl Gray tea recipe last night and it was delish!! Love that extra vanilla in the tea.


I look forward to hearing from you!