
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Organized Chaos

Instead of any big changes around here, most of my victories have been small and inconsequential to most of the world.  Take our closet, for instance.  It was a bit chaotic, and we had a hard time finding anything since our move.  Boxes of random stuff, clothes, decorating stuff, and (before I took this picture) a pack and play.  I cleaned actually quite a bit before I took this picture…I’m not ready for the blogosphere to see my messy house.  :)


After an afternoon of much needed organizing, it looked like this.


Certainly not earth shattering, but much needed around here!  Now my husband can actually find his shirts!  (Although his favorite comfy pants are still missing since the move…)

First comes organizing and then comes prettifying!  I do have lots of ideas for this space.  I’m still surprised that we have a window in our closet!  Wierd (but nice)!

Baby steps, right? 

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