Here is house number two for our family:
I finally went out and got better pictures of the front. There are many beautiful oaks that surround the house so that makes it more difficult to get a good picture, but we love them for their shade and greenery!
See, hard to get a good picture with all the trees in front! They’re great for privacy though!
Our front door. I’m not sure if you can see it or not, but there’s a big lion statue on our front steps. It came with the house and my husband is quite taken with it. :) There is also a lion door knocker. I actually like those. I think with some other type of house it would look silly, but being that our home is a more traditional style, they don’t look so out of place.
I’m not going to show much of the inside today. We’re slowly getting things where they belong, though it will be a long road. It doesn’t look quite this bad anymore, but there is still a lot of unpacking to be done.

Instead, let’s look around the outside!! Which is what really drew us to this house in the first place.
Huge yard from the vantage point of the deck/sunroom:
And then looking toward the deck/sunroom from the borders of our property:
Lots of space for kids (and adults!) to play, plus 3 more acres of woods (with trails that have Lord of the Rings names! Posted on signs! ???)
Chicken coop (in need of inhabitants to eat the weeds in the chicken run):
Secret garden which has already been claimed by our 5 year old:
Wild black raspberries:
And mulberry trees:
We’re really enjoying our new home! Especially in the heat of summer…we moved from our old home just in time! (We didn’t have AC there!) Since we’re a little ways from the city it is much cooler here with the breezes and lack of hot parking lots to warm things up. We do have AC now which we haven’t had to use much so far, though I’m sure there are many hot days ahead this summer.
I look forward to showing you more as this house evolves!