
Friday, January 6, 2012

Free Printable Beatitudes

A while back I made this printable of the beatitudes to put up on our living room wall.  I've been trying to incorporate more scripture passages into our everyday surroundings so that the kids will be familiar with them as they grow older.  This is one of my favorites!

If you would like, you may download them for your personal use.  I made aqua-ish, purple, coral, and grey ones in the hopes that the colors will jive with some part of your decor!

I used the purple and it goes great with the color scheme I'm slowly working toward.  They print out to 11X14 at full size; I went to FedEx and got them printed there for around 1.50 apiece.   

Download links are below all the images. 

Aqua Beatitudes
Grey Beatitudes
Purple Beatitudes
Coral Beatitudes

If there are other colors that you would like to see, let me know!  

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