
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Five Favorites

I have never done a link party before, but I was inspired to join one by one of my favorite blog reads, Moxie Wife.  Listing some of my current favorite things can’t be that hard can it?  No, not difficult at all. 
Here you go!
sugar daddy
I have worn nail polish on my fingernails probably twice in my life, and immediately removed it because I thought it looked awful.  I decided to try it again with something very subtle, and love this one!  It gives a shine and just a hint of color and looks great so far.  I’m sure it won’t last long (especially grouting tile in the next few days!) but it was a nice little pick-me-up for a Sunday in March.
DSC_7362 (424x640)
Since I’ve had tile on the brain a lot lately, I was blown away by this gorgeous backsplash that the talented Marian installed in her kitchen.  Beautiful!!!
 Kids say the craziest things.  My two year old thought he was giving me a compliment yesterday when he told me:  “You’re the biggest mommy in the whole world!!”
Cottage Café of Largo
4.  A good cup of tea.
I have not always been a fan of tea.  I grew up drinking herbal tea when I was feeling under the weather, but didn’t have much use for it otherwise.  Then I spent a couple years in Ireland in my early 20s and grew to like the black tea they drink like water there.  Now I make myself a cup of tea at least a couple times a week year-round.  If I’m happy—tea.  If I’m sad—tea.  If I just need a little down time—tea.  I usually drink Irish Breakfast tea but really almost any kind of tea will do.  I like mine with 3 cubes of sugar and a little cream.  (In case I ever meet any of you in real life and you offer me tea.)
5.  My 6-month-old baby.  He is my chubbiest and happiest at this age.  He first giggled on my birthday at almost 2 months old.  He has a mop of hair that his older sister loves to style with bows and barrettes.  Wow how time flies!


  1. Such a cute baby! And that backsplash is gorgeous. Love Miss Mustard Seed.

  2. Herringbone backsplash????? I die. So awesome.

    And I am nom nomming your scrumptious baby in my mind right now. Hope you don't mind.

  3. @Lauren T.
    Thanks! We think so too, but we may be biased :)

  4. Oh my gosh - that backsplash is gorgeous! I guess it's a good thing we rent or that photo plus my ever increasing nesting urge would have me tearing up our kitchen this very morning! ;)

    Thanks for joining in!

  5. @Jeannine
    Me too! She is such an inspiration.
    Thanks for visiting!

  6. @Dwija {House Unseen}
    I nom nom him often. Those fat baby rolls are just asking for it!
    Thanks for visiting!

  7. @Hallie @ Moxie Wife
    I know! I'm so glad I didn't see that backsplash before we did ours last year...I may have made even more work for myself. :)
    Ahh nesting! I remember it fondly.

    Thanks for setting up this link party and visiting!

  8. Such a cute baby. Love the chubbiness! And that polish looks fabulous.

  9. @Lisa
    Thanks Lisa! I heart the chubbiness too!
    The polish is actually still going strong, I'm amazed. I think nail polish is going to be a regular thing for me from now on.
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  10. Irish Breakfast Tea is totally my favorite too!!!

    That baby of yours is sooooooo sweet!!! Ahh!

  11. Love the nailpolish! Your little guys is adorable!

  12. @Andrea
    Yes, isn't it delish?
    Thanks...I kind of want to keep him at this chubby and snuggly stage. :)

    I am surprisingly loving the nail polish too even a few days later! I guess I just never tried the right color before. :)

  14. oh my goodness! That tile is to die for! I'll be remembering that for sure! And your little guy is just so cute and hug-able!

  15. @Lauren Gulde
    That tile is great isn't it! So pretty.
    Yep, he's a keeper! :)

  16. Super selection! I'm totally with you on the nail polish thing, too. I've never been into it, but naturally, my daughter thinks it's great, and so did my mom. Go figure!

    I did this too!

  17. @pioneercynthia
    You know, I usually think that nail polish looks good on other people...but I've never liked how bright polish looked on my fingernails. So this one is perfect for those with nail-polish commitment issues. :)

  18. I can definitely see what #5 is a favorite - he is ADORABLE!!! That hair! It's too much :o) And what a great birthday gift he gave you!

  19. Aw, look at that sweet baby! and that hair! I'm excited about that littlest is not quite 2 months right now.

  20. @Kelly Jo
    I agree! I couldn't believe it when I heard that first giggle.

  21. @Gretchen
    Two months is great too but I always enjoy when they get to this age and they are just so expressive and want to be a part of everything.
    Thanks for visiting!

  22. OH my goodness, can I PLEASE squish those cheeks?! I NEED TO. He is killing me with all that cuteness!


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