
Saturday, June 30, 2012

A shower

Over the weekend another girl and I threw a shower for my close friend Ashley. 
It went well I think, although in my current 7-month pregnant state it was a bit overwhelming and not every candle got lit before the guests arrived. 
And I may have had the guests get ready for a game when it was actually time to eat.  (still embarrassed, though they were all good sports)
Whew!  I’m glad that is done, although I was happy to do it for my dear friend. 
Here are some pictures of the desserts I made:
IMG_4507 Raspberry Mousse Torte
I found chalkboard contact paper on Amazon and made the food signs up the day before.  The great thing is that I can re-use them again and again for various functions!
Flourless Chocolate cake
IMG_4500 The other hostess made the paninis, they were delish!
I wish I had taken the time to take more pictures of the decorations and the other food.  We were so busy though getting it all together I barely had time to pull out my camera. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

When all is quiet on the blog…you know life is super busy!

We’ve been working like crazy on the kitchen!  I will try to take  a picture later today to show you just how much has been done.  Since we’re mostly DIY-ing this, it is going vveerrryyy slowly.  It is painful at times, especially when all my kitchen stuff is in the dining room (and also spilled into the living room) and I can’t find anything when I need it! 
However, I think you will agree when you see the pictures that progress has been made since my last pictures of our kitchen. 
And since my last post was about our lighting decisions, I will reveal which of the contestants made it to Miss Kitchen Light!!
(pregnant pause)
NONE of them!!!
We decided rather spur of the moment to go with something else.  I had just joined a site called Joss and Main and literally that same night I saw this lighting, for a fraction of the retail cost.

I snagged two for $40 each, which ended up way cheaper than this one from Home Depot that was a frontrunner (at $70 bucks apiece):

We have not installed them yet but I really like how they look.  When I first got them I googled to see how much I had saved, and at that time I could not find any that were under about $120.  Just now when I looked I found some that were on clearance for $88.  I still feel pretty good about the deal! 
I’m excited to see how they look when we put them up!